GLE Reaches Across Time: Fossil Expedition 2010

Well, you know by now that the GLE has two main objectives. One of them is illustrated in this brief movie. We were able to go on a fossil dig with members of the Sierra Pelona Rock Club. This is our second trip and this time I have pictures! So, we're bringing in experts from a field and are learning in an outdoor classroom.
Enjoy the movie.

Contact! Singapore and Brazil In Collaboration!

These are Mrs Patricia Pettinati's students from English Forever School, Brazil.
They received their first cultural box from Singapore- Mrs Rose Manuel & pupils from Primary 5A(2009)
We at GLE are celebrating another successful collaboration.
We warmly welcome Mrs. Pettinati and her students to the Global learning Exchange/Friends Forever.

Check out the pictures below...

Icelandic Folktales from Aslandsskoli School

We are so lucky to be working with Mrs. Jenny's 6th grade class from Aslandsskoli School. Enjoy their Icelandic Folktale movie. We are currently preparing a movie response...At some point we will share it on this site too.
This is GLE's true learning from kids...cultures learning from cultures.

Contact! USA Reaches Out to Students in Amsterdam!

Mr. Tenhet's 6th graders are at it again. This time they are reaching out to Mirjam Wagener's class of 6th graders. Students on both sides are actually using ePals to communicate in a "protected" area and the GLE component will be when both classes use Skype to talk to each other in real time. Check out the slides below showing the USA side and then a screenshot of Mirjam's School Website. Enjoy


iCTLT Conference-GLE Presentation!

Well, it has finally happened. The iCTLT Conference in Singapore is underway and the GLE Team did GLE very proud. Special thanks go out to Rose, Rena, and Patricia in Singapore for their amazing skills and professionalism. I am so impressed by the support that they have as well. I am also blessed that this program includes them and their wisdom. Many thanks to their administrators and their IT support team as well. Without such support on both sides of the water, GLE would really have a difficult time. The presentation went well. Skype worked except for a few technical difficulties. The program seemed well received by the conference attendees. I attached some screenshots below. I hope that Rose is able to send some photos so that I can publish them here as well. Enjoy everyone!

Planning for iCTLT 2010 Via SKYPE!

Who says that 8,682 miles can hinder global collaboration between teachers? Well, thanks to our clever friends at Skype, Troy Tenhet, Rose Manuel, and a number of her colleagues are able to set up a game plan for the presentation at the 2010 iCTLT Global Conference in Singapore. Truly, the GLE is operating in a global arena now. We may be small, but we can keep up with the big names in global collaboration. Once again, thanks to our friends all over the world for their participation in this program. Slow and steady everyone! Enjoy a few screenshots below...