Using materials provided with funding from Bakersfield Adventures for the Mind (BAM), students in Mr. Tenhet's class embarked on their journey to the Intermediate Space Challenge. The ISC is an event in May 2011 out at the Mojave Space Port that has teams from all over the state competing in a rocket competition. It's more than just rockets. It's really about inquiry and teamwork. This event is titled "Foam Rockets" and the students are (and will continue to) building foam rockets powered by heavy duty rubber bands. The launches/testing will be dealing with the relationship between quality of design, angle of launch, and weather conditions. Students are encouraged to design, build, test, and modify their rockets. GLE is happy as this is an example of experts coming into the classroom for Science activities. Students at the ISC event will meet pioneers in space travel and aeronautics, as well as personnel from NASA-AERO Institute in Palmdale, California. Someday, GLE will help make this event a global endeavor. I'm guessing kids everywhere can benefit from Science, inquiry, and rocketry.
Look for a version of this event over the summer (2011) that will be supported by Bakersfield Adventures for the Mind (BAM).
Look for a version of this event over the summer (2011) that will be supported by Bakersfield Adventures for the Mind (BAM).